Claudio Katz

Claudio Katz is a professor of economics at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, a researcher with the National Council of Science and Technology, and a member of Economists of the Left. He is the author of numerous articles and books interpreting contemporary capitalism and the dimensions of the global economic crisis, including Neoliberalismo, neodesarrollismo, socialismo (Batalla de Ideas, 2016) and La teoría de la dependencia, cincuenta años después (Batalla de Ideas, 2018). His writings can be found at

The Left and Right in Latin America Today: An Interview with Claudio Katz

The Left and Right in Latin America Today: An Interview with Claudio Katz

There has not been a counter-revolution, there has been a process of advance for the Right, but with popular resistance. And it’s interesting that there is a new generation. Those who struggle now have processed the experience of the progressive cycle. We will see how they translate this politically, we don’t know. But the generation that produced the earlier cycle did it without experience, arising out of pure neoliberalism. Now, the new generation is leading this process.