The State

The Political (1979)

The Political (1979)

The birth of the polit­i­cal as a prob­lem lies at the ori­gins of cap­i­tal­ist soci­ety. The impact, the inter­twin­ing, the exchange, the con­flict is between the state sub­ject and the tran­si­tion to cap­i­tal­ism. With­out the State, from its ori­gins, no capitalism.

Notes on the Political Over the Longue Durée

Notes on the Political Over the Longue Durée

Written towards the end of what we might call the “second period” of Tronti’s reflections, that of the so-called “autonomy of the Political,” sandwiched between the more famous phase of Operaismo and the – almost completely unknown to the Anglophone world – “third period” political theological phase, that of the twilight [tramonto] of the political, the short text translated here will come to many Anglophone readers of Tronti as a surprise.

Remarks on Gender

Remarks on Gender

I. Patriarchy and/or Capitalism: Reopening the Debate It is standard to find references to “patriarchy” and “patriarchal relations” in feminist texts, tracts, or documents. 1 Patriarchy is often used to show how gender oppression and inequality are not sporadic or exceptional occurrences. On the contrary, these are issues that traverse all of society, and are fundamentally reproduced through mechanisms that cannot… Read more →