Hans-Jürgen Krahl

was a leading figure in the West German student movement of the 1960s, and the author of Constitution and Class Struggle.

Personal Information

Personal Information

Providing personal information does not mean, even when facing a tribunal such as this, that what is defined is what still today is mockingly called “personality.” 1 Instead, it involves tracing the background contours of experience which gave rise to the process of politicization and thus also the anti-authoritarian phase of the student movement. And as regards my person, they… Read more → 

The Philosophy of History and the Authoritarian State (1971)

The Philosophy of History and the Authoritarian State (1971)

Historical materialism’s critical economic prognoses on the natural course of the capitalist world order have been confirmed. The conditions for the economic breakdown and crisis of capital have been fulfilled; the historical tendency of capitalist accumulation has long since reached the degree of concentration and centralization that Marx and Engels designated as its naturally produced historical terminus.