
“There is a tendency to fetishize the fetish”: An Interview with Karl Reitter

“There is a tendency to fetishize the fetish”: An Interview with Karl Reitter

Reitter’s insistence that Capital is not principally a text about the “autonomous” subject of capital, but the specific social relations that underlie capitalism and their constitutive struggles, provides an important challenge. Class struggle, in this reading, is not simply additive to theories of value or crisis; it indicates the historical movement which opens up to the possibility of liberation, a movement which is irreducible to any determinism.

You Can't Evict a Movement: Strategies for Housing Justice in the United States

You Can’t Evict a Movement: Strategies for Housing Justice in the United States

As neoliberal gentrification accelerates to outrageous levels, we focus on three epicenters of housing struggles to share emerging and long-term strategies of resistance. In doing so, we intend to amplify a national conversation about how to combat the displacement, inequality, and violence that constitute gentrification.

Cyber-Proletariat: an Interview with Nick Dyer-Witheford

Cyber-Proletariat: an Interview with Nick Dyer-Witheford

Underlying those points – which we might call tactical points about the usage of cybernetic technologies by revolutionary movements – is another larger, more strategic point: the changes in class composition which have been effected by capital in terms of its restructuring of the global workforce using automata and networks and, in the financial system, networks of automata. 

Strategies of Solidarity: Israel/Palestine and the Empire

Strategies of Solidarity: Israel/Palestine and the Empire

The widening gap between global public opinion and the ineffectuality of the international state system in the face of the ever-worsening conditions of Palestinian lives obliges global solidarity activists to deepen our understanding of the conflict, reconsider the possibilities for its resolution, and reflect on our strategies.

Theoretical Practice in the New Communist Movement: An Interview with Paul Saba

Theoretical Practice in the New Communist Movement: An Interview with Paul Saba

In one sense the history of the NCM can be summed up as “a moment of sectarianism and dogmatism.” In another sense, however, the NCM was more than the sum total of its sectarian and dogmatic errors. It attempted to keep alive the remnants of the mass movements of the 1960s, it organized workers, built left caucuses in unions, mobilized struggles around fundamental issues of racism, women’s rights, immigrant rights, and built movements in solidarity with liberation struggles around the world.