Viewpoint Magazine

Internationalism against Imperialism

Internationalism against Imperialism

If imperialism today is irreducible to any single phenomenon, then this is because it appears at once both ubiquitous and dispersed. How then to account today for the history that has amplified imperialism while making it all the more difficult to define?

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

Viewpoint Magazine is a proud Co-Sponsor of this year’s Historical Materialism New York Conference on “Resurgent Radicalisms in a Polarizing World.” We hope that the conference can be another platform for urgent discussion and debate posed by social movements and Marxist theory in these turbulent times.

Making Waves (Part 1)

Making Waves (Part 1)

If we want to speak of a working-class party, we need to begin from the working class as it exists, not as we would like it to be. Yet what considers itself a blueprint will not and cannot concern itself primarily with a concrete analysis of class composition. The organizational questions it can address are only those posed from above, while those raised from below go unacknowledged.

The Return of Communism

The Return of Communism

Viewpoint is proud to co-sponsor the Rome Conference on Communism, taking place in the eternal city from January 18-22, 2017. The conference entails a series of roundtable discussions with major figures in the history, practice, and theory of communism, as well as workshops bringing together younger activists and militants. 



It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. As Viewpoint expands its work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here.



It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. As Viewpoint expands its work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here.