
The Fate of the Fast against the Slow

The Fate of the Fast against the Slow

There is no doubt therefore that students are not only workers but workers facing a decidedly precarious future. About this only ideologues brook debate these days. And yet this will not quite do. It is better to say that students join hands with workers as proletarians.

Le Thé à l'anglaise servi dans le salon des Quatre-Glaces au palais du Temple à Paris en 1764

How Do We Write the Intellectual History of the Enlightenment? Spinozism, Radicalism, and Philosophy

The Enlightenment is again the object of debate. We can only rejoice that traditional interpretations have been questioned. Yet it would be regrettable to replace one doxa with another by artificially constructing a homogeneous philosophical tradition and a teleology of philosophical radicalism, linking Spinoza and the French Revolution and, doubtless further, the contemporary radical left.

Cthulhu plays no role for me

Cthulhu plays no role for me

Haraway’s former (profoundly system-oriented) Marxian technofeminism has given way, then, to something called multispecies feminism characterized by a barely disavowed willingness to see whole cities and cultures wiped from the planet for the sake of a form of thriving among “companion species” involving relatively few of us.

"Cerrar para abrir": Puerto Rican Student Struggles and the Crisis of Colonial-Capitalism

“Cerrar para abrir”: Puerto Rican Student Struggles and the Crisis of Colonial-Capitalism

The student movement has taken an action that exceeds its character as a narrow, student effort circumscribed to the academic setting. In order to understand how these thousands of students stopped acting “like students” and began deliberating, acting, and demanding in a clear and self-consciously political field of struggle, it is necessary to look at the history of student struggle in Puerto Rico.

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

Viewpoint Magazine is a proud Co-Sponsor of this year’s Historical Materialism New York Conference on “Resurgent Radicalisms in a Polarizing World.” We hope that the conference can be another platform for urgent discussion and debate posed by social movements and Marxist theory in these turbulent times.