Manifesto of the Groupe d’Information sur les prisons (1971)
Little information is published on prisons. It is one of the hidden regions of our social system, one of the dark zones of our life.
Tags: From the Archives, In Translation
Little information is published on prisons. It is one of the hidden regions of our social system, one of the dark zones of our life.
Tags: From the Archives, In Translation
The errors to which Sbardella sees Tronti falling prey are, on the one side, an uncritical acceptance of immediacy and spontaneous action, and on the other side, an equally uncritical acceptance of political mediation as the direct expression of proletarian subjectivity. In fact the two errors are symmetrical – two sides of the same coin.
Tags: From the Archives, In Translation
In these reflections, Sergio Bologna surveys the political terrain of the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on worker struggles in the factories, the growing student movement, and the intellectual debates that defined the various radical organizations struggling to make revolution in Italy.
Tags: From the Archives, In Translation
Marxism-Leninism exposes the core of the woman question and shows that the position of women in society is not always and everywhere the same, but derives from woman’s relation to the mode of production.
Tags: From the Archives
Yesterday the Rev. Luther King and his wife had lunch with us and stayed here from 12.30 until nearly 5 p.m.
Tags: From the Archives
A few days ago Dr. Martin Luther King was gunned down in Memphis, Tennessee, where for the second time in less than two weeks he was getting ready to lead a united black community in a march to demonstrate support of the garbage workers.
Tags: From the Archives
The Inner City Voice was created in response to certain adverse conditions that black militants had found in Detroit and in the country as a whole, conditions stopping the further development of a permanent and powerful revolutionary movement among black people.
Tags: From the Archives
There exists an America that no one talks about, which is to be found beyond the myth of the refrigerator, the automobile, and the television, and beyond the myth of affluence for all. It is the America of the factory: an unknown America whose history is made of strikes, exploitation, and proletarian misery.
Tags: From the Archives, Inquiry
We present here an unprecedented document of great value about the lives of American workers. This appraisal stems not only from the fact that it definitively puts paid to both the absurd claim that American workers don’t have class consciousness, and the myth of the comfort and luxury of the American proletariat.
Tags: From the Archives, Inquiry
Since our work unfolds as a renewal of a direct contact with class situations in order to find a way to organize the embryos of antagonistic class consciousness that reproduce themselves amongst workers, it is worthwhile precisely to the degree that it becomes a revolutionary consciousness of this unfolding story.
Tags: From the Archives, Inquiry