Viewpoint Magazine at Left Forum
We’ll be hosting a panel on “Social Reproduction,” the theme of our next issue, at Left Forum at the City University of New York, in New York City, from May 29-May 31st. Come watch us and many others this weekend.
We’ll be hosting a panel on “Social Reproduction,” the theme of our next issue, at Left Forum at the City University of New York, in New York City, from May 29-May 31st. Come watch us and many others this weekend.
Sara Farris, FTC Manning, and Johanna Oksala rethink the relationships between gender, class, and capitalism through reflections on Cinzia’s Arruzza’s essay “Remarks on Gender.”
We are pleased to announce that we’ll be hosting two panels on “Social Reproduction,” the theme of our next issue, at the Historical Materialism conference at New York University, in New York City, from April 24-26th. Come watch us, and many others this weekend.
Strategic Legacies • Political Possibilities • Socialist Construction Past and Present • Rethinking the Political • Logistics of Power • Neoliberalism and Globalization • Citizen and Migrant • Dear Comrades
The American Worker in Transnational Circulation • Experience and Information • The Discovery of Class Composition • No Investigation, No Right to Speak • Inquiry Today • Future Directions for Theory and Inquiry • Letters from Readers
Tags: Inquiry
The Viewpoint website has been redesigned, thanks to the excellent work of Peter Rood, and the illustrations of Steven Zambrano Cascante. Our third issue, on the theme “Workers’ Inquiry,” is just around the corner. Until then, here’s a small taste of what’s to come.
The movements of the unemployed in Argentina • Humanities and the university crisis • The TEDification of higher education • An interview with Gopal Balakrishnan • Dance, music, and protest • Radical ethnography and cultural studies • Modern crises and the vernacular • Translations of Alisa Del Re, Michel Foucault, and Louis Althusser
First entry in an exchange with Jacobin, by Asad Haider and Salar Mohandesi: “We all wondered, as we watched Back to the Future, how alternative futures could change the whole universe while Marty McFly stayed the same. Those movies amounted to a Reaganite philosophy of history: the short-circuit between the Fifties and the Eighties which converts every contingent encounter into one reactionary loop, centered on the white man who secretly invents rock n’ roll, seduces his mother, and conquers the space-time continuum.”
Viewpoint was invited to debate Lenin’s State and Revolution in a panel at the Left Forum. Check it out if you’re near New York City this weekend. Details below.
Last Thursday night, workers for Serious Materials in Chicago occupied their factory. The night before, Occupy Philly’s Education and Training Working Group held a meeting of its ten-week “Dissecting Capitalism” workshop, at the Lancaster Avenue Autonomous Space. Viewpoint editor Salar Mohandesi spoke on the topic “Contemporary Labor and Workplace Struggles,” along with Sean West Wispy, an organizer at Occupy Philly with experience in the labor movement.