


It once was common practice for radical journals to solicit feedback from their readers. It anchored theoretical developments and pointed to new areas of inquiry. As Viewpoint expands its work, we hope our readers can help us revive the practice here.

Precarity Rising

Precarity Rising

If precarity is in fact rising and the conditions of the working class have radically changed, then we simply cannot re-apply the same inherited political strategies, but have to find new ones.

Spain: From Networks to Parties … and Back

Spain: From Networks to Parties … and Back

Whereas the traditional, teleological narrative would see “maturity” as putting all eggs in the one party’s basket, then, Spanish movements hedged their bets, creating an ecology of alternatives that, by balancing each other, increase the possibility of social control.

Viewpoint Magazine at Left Forum

Viewpoint Magazine at Left Forum

We’ll be hosting a panel on “Social Reproduction,” the theme of our next issue, at Left Forum at the City University of New York, in New York City, from May 29-May 31st. Come watch us and many others this weekend.

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

Viewpoint Magazine at Historical Materialism

We are pleased to announce that we’ll be hosting two panels on “Social Reproduction,” the theme of our next issue, at the Historical Materialism conference at New York University, in New York City, from April 24-26th. Come watch us, and many others this weekend.